I, Somer Phoebus, am discovering that there is a very simple answer to a chronic complaint that has plagues almost all believers I've spent time with lately. Keep in mind, a lot of my ministry time is spent with teenagers through college age students, and let me tell ya, our society has trained them well to consider themselves above all else, that self-care and their own ideals and feeling are more important than most other things in life.
Before I go on, I want to make sure you understand I am not anti self-care, nor do I think it is healthy to ignore our thoughts and feelings or to keep them to ourselves. However, I do believe as with so many things in our world, that in an effort to make humans better, we've made God smaller and ourselves larger. Basically, we're formulating a plan that will encourage nominal Christianity and discourage all-in, surrendered Christ-followers.
So that chronic complaint with the simple answer I'm hearing so often is this....
"Why do I feel..." and then fill in the blank with your answer. The blank can be filled in with a multitude of things specific to the individual, but if the complaint begins the same every time, the answer is also the same every time.
Why do I feel...
Left out
The answer?
Every. Time.
We're too busy looking in our mirror instead of looking to our Master.
Hear me when I say though, this does not mean that if your eyes are on God you won't experience any of those things above. Walking with God isn't easy. I know a lot of mature believers that struggle with anxiety, but one friend in particular reminded me that this hard place where she is walking is for HIS purpose, so she's okay! I believe she even used the word "honored" when she was talking about being used by God in this way.
You see, when we're focused on Jesus, we don't care about our symptoms as much as we do the purpose behind them. If God has you walking through a dark place like my friend, it's for a reason. Our job is to stay focused on HIS light.
Paul spent many of his days in prison, but he didn't ask "Why me?" Instead, he thanked God for the opportunity to be used for His glory and we worshipped (see Acts 16:16-40).
Here's a question I've been asking myself and those I am discipling as well: How many times a day do we use the word "I" or "me?" And how often is it in the midst of a sentence where the goal is to complain?
The more we complain, the more we're unhappy, and the more we're unhappy, the more we complain.
But if we truly understood what Jesus did for us and what we've been delivered from, we would laugh at even the thought that something isn't fair or that our life is too hard. We wouldn't dare be irritable over our situation that isn't ideal or is not what we had hoped for.
The bottom line is that we were not made to worry about ourselves, because we were not made for the sake of ourselves. It's extremely unnatural to our spiritual selves - our new man in Christ - to focus on our own feelings and emotions. So if you're noticing constant tension that you're calling unhappiness or discontentment you may want to check the cause of your uncomfortableness.
Could it be that you're fighting against your spiritual self by making yourself the center of your concern when the center of everything we are and everything we live for should be God?
When we make it about us, we cease to worship Him.
We have been created to do nothing but lift up and Glorify God. That is our very purpose. Our ONLY purpose. Will you make Him the focus?
Prayer: Dear God, please be the focus of our lives and our worship. Lord, forgive me for being concerned with myself and for taking my eyes off of You. I ask You to reveal Yourself to me so that even int he midst of hard times I can see Your power at work within me and I can display Your glory for others to see. Thank you for loving me! I love You! Amen.
~ Written by Somer Phoebus an author from She Works His Way (volume 2)
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